Taijiquan Leippert

in succession of Master Dietmar Stubenbaum (11th generation Chen Taijiquan)

Welcome to the small frame 'Xiaojia' of Chen Family Taijiquan

We teach the Small Frame (Xiaojia) of the Chen family, according to Dietmar Stubenbaum (11th generation Chen Taijiquan), in connection with Chen Peishan and Chen Peiju (20th generation of the Chen clan and 12th generation Chen Taijiquan), in the lineage of Chen Xin (16th generation of the Chen clan and 8th generation Chen Taijiquan)

Authentic or traditional Taijiquan is a complex, comprehensive and demanding method that encompasses and integrates three areas or 'pillars'.

1. taijiquan is a method of health care developed through centuries of experience and confirmed in practice.

2 Philosophy, art and self-realisation are woven into the theory and practice of Taijiquan in many different ways. 

3. the third 'pillar' of authentic Taijiquan is martial arts, i.e. Taijiquan as a method of training skills to survive serious physical confrontation in the best possible way.

The spherical human being

At the beginning of the Taijiquan path, everything is still angular, interrupted and powerless. With time and constant practice, it becomes rounder, more connected and more powerful. If you follow the path unwaveringly, you will ultimately be free and at one with nature. 

If you compare human life to a sea voyage, the body is like the boat. Taijiquan is a method of protecting one's own boat.
(Chen Peishan)


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